By Ben Sugiyama
So how do we get young learners into a state of being intrinsically motivated to study English?
I want to stress that this is a process. It isn’t something that will happen overnight. There
are things you can do that will have an immediate impact, but for the most part the key is to
be consistent.
Start with the learning environment 学習環境から始める
The children need to be in a place where they feel comfortable and feel free to express themselves. They need routines and patterns, but they also need to feel that they are not constricted. For example, in my classrooms, the kids come in, they put their books in the book pile, they put their bags in the bag place, they put their drinks and snacks in their places and then they come to the middle of the room where they can play with a puzzle or blocks or a toy for a short time. Once everyone is in and has put their things in the correct place, then I give them a 1-minute warning until clean up time. I get the agreement of every child in the room. This is important. Get the agreement of the children up front and you rarely have problems. Get their agreement throughout the lesson. “So today we’ll do this first and then after that we’ll look at this book.” Some kids want to know the entire lesson plan upfront and that’s fine, I’ll tell them. “Yep, today we’re doing this, then that, then this.” I even give them the option of changing the order of events to a certain degree. It gives them a great sense of control over their own lesson.
What happens when a child doesn’t agree? When you say “1 minute until clean up, OK?” And the child looks at you and says “No!” Fantastic! Treat it as a negotiation. Acknowledge their feelings and make a counter offer. What you’ve then done is 3 things:
1. You’ve let the child know that their voice is important, over crying, sulking, tantrums or
whatever else, you’ve let the child know that by speaking, they’ll at least be listened to.
2. Secondly, you’ve given them an opportunity to use English to discuss what they want to
do (what they want to do = intrinsic motivation) – give them the tools to have the
negotiation with you. Help them to say “No, I want to play longer”
3. And the third thing you’ve done is you’ve steered the conversation to when , and not if ,
the play time or the fun activity will stop.
1. 泣いたり、すねたり、駄々をこねるなどのことよりも彼らの声が大切だとわかってもらえ、彼らがしゃべることによって聞いてもらえることを理解してもらいます。
2. あなたは彼らに交渉の手段である英語で自分が何がしたいか(内面的モチベーション)を話す機会を上げました。彼らが”No, I want to play longer”(いやだ。もう少し遊びたい。)と言えるよう助けてあげましょう。
3. そして3番目にあなたは、いつ、何があれば遊びの時間や楽しいアクティビティが終わるという会話へと進めていきました。
Build trust with your students. あなたの生徒と信頼を築く。
Trust comes in many forms, but it is so important for children to trust the adult they are with. I’ve known teachers in the past who have tapped into that desire that children have to be correct and to tell others they are wrong. The teacher will purposefully make mistakes hoping that the children will correct him or her and therefore produce the target language. No doubt, this works. Pointing at an apple and saying banana will leave you with a room full of four-year olds screaming “apple” at you. It works, I get it. But I believe it devalues you as the only adult in the room to put yourself in the position of being the idiot in the room. I’ll talk about using characters later, but for now I recommend having a bad, or foolish character and use them to elicit the same response from the children, only this time you, as the trustworthy adult get to be on the same side as the children. In Jimmy’s Magic House there is a naughty character called “Bad Dog”. Poor old Bad Dog, the children love to call him out on his mistakes or his misdemeanors.
信頼には様々な形がありますが、子供たちが一緒にいる大人を信頼することはとても大切です。私は生徒はいつも正しくあり、ほかの間違ったことには違うと伝えられなければいけないという思いを持った先生たちを過去に見てきました。その先生は生徒が間違いを指摘してくれると信じてわざと間違ったことを言い、それゆえ学習目的を引き出そうとします。リンゴを指さして、バナナを言うことは、あなたに向かって「リンゴ」と叫ぶ4歳児達とあなたがクラスにいることになります。それは効果的でしょう。わかります。ですがあなたをクラスの笑われ者にすることはクラスで唯一の大人であるあなたの価値を下げることになると私は思います。あとで、キャラクターを使うことについて話しますが、今は、笑い者のようなキャラクターを持つことをお勧めします。それを使うことで子供たちから同じ反応を得られますし、信頼価値がある大人として子供たちと同じ立場に立つことができます。ジミーのマジックハウスでは”Bad Dog”といういたずら好きなキャラクターがいます。かわいそうな年老いた犬の間違いや非行を、子供たちは指摘するのが大好きです。
The children also need to trust that you will listen to them if they speak, no matter what they are talking about. Again, going back to parenting advice, they say that when a child lashes out, the best thing we can do is to empathize with them first. We should help them to express themselves clearly and then talk through the problem. Obviously, in a foreign language, this is much harder to do, but it is possible. In certain situations, using Japanese is fine, but if possible, I treat every situation as a chance to have a natural conversation with a child in English. I’ll help them to say what they want to say in English.
Just last week, we were standing and singing an active song and out of the blue, this little boy twirls around, arms flailing everywhere and catches a girl in the head. I stopped the music and asked her if she was OK, she said she was. I made a big deal of checking her head was OK. First of all, I genuinely cared for her well-being and it builds trust with her that I’m there for her when something like that happens and secondly, I knew the boy was watching me, gauging my reaction and by focusing on the girl first, I’m showing him that the consequences of our actions are important and that the feelings of others are important. Then I sat down next to him, not in front of him, that can be confrontational and set off fight of flight mode, especially in little boys and I empathized with him. “I saw what you wanted to do, you wanted to spin around and throw your arms out like this didn’t you. You didn’t mean to hit her in the head, I know that. But it hurt her. When you’re in a small room like this, you need to be careful of your body, you can hurt people. Do you want to say sorry to her?”
Trust goes both ways as well. Another teacher told me they don’t let their students go to the toilet during class as the kids use it as an excuse to mess about and to skive off for 5 minutes. That got me thinking, “Hang on, why don’t I do that?”, but I quickly realized that I’ve never had a problem with kids taking too long to go to the bathroom or messing about on the way there and back. I hope it’s because my lessons are so riveting and fun that the students can’t wait to get back, but I think it’s simply because I trust them. In part three, I will talk about building a sense of curiosity in a lesson to capture the interest of the students.