New year’s Eve in New York
Happy New Year everyone! How did you celebrate the holidays? I’ve learned a lot about Japanese traditions while spending time with friends here in Tsuyama, so now I’d like to share American customs with you! In general, in the United States, we often get together with friends and family for a big New Year’s Eve party. Until midnight, everyone will drink, eat, and chat together. It’s very common for children to drink sparkling grape juice, like the chan-merry you drink in Japan for Christmas! On TV in the background, we often have the New York-ball-drop playing.
The New York-ball-drop is the most famous New Year’s Eve celebration in the United States. It’s a big display of lights and music. All night, celebrities and musicians perform while a clock counts down to 12. Because of Corona, the event was a bit muted this year. However, there was still a celebration and Jennifer Lopez was the headlining act. Did you catch her performance? Usually, Times square is packed shoulder-to-shoulder with people, but this year only the brave healthcare workers were invited to watch from the front row.
One minute to 12 is when everyone starts getting amped up and begins counting down for the New Year. “…5! 4! 3! 2! 1! 0!” When the clock strikes midnight everyone screams and cheers, “Happy New Year!” It’s also common see some couples lock lips! Kissing at the start of the new year is said to be good luck, and apparently the tradition traces all the way back to the Renaissance. Have you already heard of these traditions? If not, were they surprising to hear? Leave a comment down below about how you celebrated this year!
明けましておめでとうございます!皆様はどのように新年をすごされましたか?私は津山で友達と一緒に過ごし日本の伝統的な新年の祝い方を学びました。なのでここでは私の母国アメリカの伝統的な新年の祝い方を紹介したいと思います。一般的に大晦日に友達や家族と集まり、大きなパーティーをします。深夜まで皆でお酒を飲み、ご飯を食べ、おしゃべりをします。子供たちは炭酸入りのぶどうジュースを飲みます。クリスマスに飲むシャンメリーのようなものです。テレビではニューヨークで行われる“Ball Dropping” と言う催しが放送されます。
5!4!3!2!1!0!時計の針が12時をさすと、人々は「Happy New Year!」と叫び、お祝いをします。カップルたちが口づけをするのを目にすることも珍しくないです。